Harris Westminster
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Formed in 2014 in partnership with not-for-profit organisation The Harris Federation, HWSF combines the Federation’s experience of establishing outstanding academies in and around London with Westminster’s ability to teach and develop exceptional pupils. The Sixth Form is academically selective and looks for students who will benefit from the opportunity to spend two years with others of a similar ability and potential to learn, so all students must meet the academic threshold based on examinations and interview. However, HWSF’s Principal is “determined that all young people should have the scholastic opportunities that are enjoyed by the most privileged”, therefore preference is given to students who have been in receipt of Free School Meals during their secondary schooling.
Harris Westminster students travel from all across London to study and come from all backgrounds: each of them brings their own intellect, experience and viewpoint and comes ready to learn from their peers as well as from their teachers.
HWSF is located only a short walk away from Westminster School on Tothill St, which enables staff and pupils from both schools to interact with each other on a frequent basis. Our Head Master Mr Patrick Derham and Westminster School Governor Dr Priscilla Chadwick also sit on the school’s Local Governing Body.
For more information, please visit Harris Westminster Sixth Form