Open Days
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The next Open Day for 16+ 2021 entry will be virtual and will take place on Saturday 12 September, at 11.00am. If you wish to register for the event online, please do so via the link below.
13+ Entry

For 13+ Entry, we offer a choice of attending either 13+ Tours each term or 13+ Open Days in the Lent (Spring) and Election (Summer) terms when the boys are in Year 5. The 13+ Tours can be extended to include a visit to the sports facilities. Please complete the 13+ visit enquiry form for further details.
16+ Entry

16+ Open Days offer a chance to hear from the Head Master, to take a tour of the school and see the wide variety of facilities, to talk with subject specialists and to meet current pupils and ask questions about their experience of Westminster. When booking, it is also possible to request a tour of a boarding house.
For those wishing to enter the school at 16+, we hold two open days per year, in June and September, and tickets can be booked online from April.