Westminster Speak
Here is a glossary of special terms used at Westminster School, many of which you will find on the website.

Diary published at the beginning of each term.
One of the eleven houses. It is at 6 Dean’s Yard, next to Milne’s.
Ashburnham House
Building in Yard, housing the Library, Lecture Room, School Store, computer room and classrooms
Pupil who locks up at night.
College Hall
The main school dining room adjacent to the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. Boarders eat breakfast and supper here. Some houses eat lunch here.
“Big” Commem., held every 2 years in the Abbey, is a service to commemorate the benefactors of the School. “Little” Commem. is a service attended by The Queen’s Scholars in alternate years.
An award made by a teacher to a Lower School pupil for a particularly outstanding piece of work.
Sixth Form Common Room leading off yard, below the John Sargeaunt Room
Election Term
Summer Term – Election refers to the election of scholars to Christ Church Oxford and to Trinity Cambridge.
Boys compete up School on Shrove Tuesday for pieces of a pancake thrown over the bar up School. The winner with the largest piece receives a gold guinea from the Dean.
The grassed area in Dean’s Yard.
John Locke Society
Programme of lectures by outside speakers.
Latin Prayers
Prayers up School usually held on Wednesday morning.
Lent Term
Spring Term.
Little Dean’s Yard
Main area of the school, found after passing under Liddell’s Arch as you arrive from Dean’s Yard.
Leave of absence from Station, often on medical grounds. Granted by Housemasters and Matrons.
Maundy money is given to pupils at the end of the Election Term for some particular contribution to Westminster life.
Mon Os
Monitor Ostium – the scholar that stands at the entrance to School before Latin Prayers.
Old Wet
Old Westminster (OW); Old Westminsters (OWW).
One of the many non-A level/Pre-U courses on offer in the Sixth Form
Half or whole day holidays sometimes “begged” by Old Westminsters at Latin Prayers.
Play Term
Autumn Term
An award made by a teacher to an Upper School pupil for a particularly outstanding piece of work
Robert Hooke Science Centre
Science building in Dean Bradley Street, off Smith Square.
Saturday Afternoon Punishment; detention in a classroom for cutting Abbey, Station etc.
Non school uniform.
Administration block, housing the Registrar’s Department and the offices of the Senior Management Committee.
Building in Great College Street housing classrooms for Art, Geography and Religious Studies.
Preposition used before certain words i.e. up School, up Fields, up House, up Liddell’s (but only ever in College).
Up Fields
At/to Vincent Square.
Up House
In/to house.
Up School
In/to the main school hall.
Vincent Square
The main school sports ground approximately 5 minutes’ walk from Dean’s Yard. It is here that football, netball and cricket are played.
Little Dean’s Yard.