Independent-State Partnership 2020
We are delighted to announce that Westminster School and Harris Westminster Sixth Form were named Independent-State School Partnership of the Year at Friday’s 2020 TES Independent School Awards.
Westminster’s partnership with Harris Westminster Sixth Form, which was established in 2014 and has gone from strength to strength, is making a real difference for pupils and teaching staff alike, across both institutions. From joint classes in German, Music, Theatre Studies, Latin and Art History to joint involvement in co-curricular life, such as large-scale productions and society talks, pupils benefit from important shared opportunities for intellectual and cultural dialogue and exchange. Only last week we saw our two schools come together to stage an outstanding performance of Little Shop of Horrors. Meanwhile, teachers are sharing resources and expertise, with departments meeting to reflect on best practice and regular programmes of class observation and mentoring.
The partnership has served to enrich learning, placing value on discussion, independent research and initiative. In 2019, 27 per cent of pupils at HWSF achieved A*AA at A Level, and 2020 has brought with it the offer of 44 Oxbridge places for this year’s university applicants. It is a genuine partnership that has led to impressive results and, perhaps more importantly, memorable experiences for all those involved.